Jesse Krieger


Jesse sits squarely at the intersection of publishing and Web3 – having signed publishing deals on two different continents and navigating the world of becoming a bestselling author twice. It has been his honor to work with 100+ authors from around the world to achieve their dreams of writing and publishing a book.

Jesse is the Managing Partner of The Publishing Consultants and the Associate Publisher for Morgan James Publishing. He has been featured on over 100 media outlets for his bestselling book Lifestyle Entrepreneur and entrepreneurial endeavors. He also holds degrees from University of California, Berkeley, as well as National Taiwan University and Beijing Normal University.

Why Water?

Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, I marveled at watching the fog roll in over the hills and spent countless hours on the Bay, whether that was kayaking, boating or simply splashing on the shore. At the same time, I grew up in a drought and was always mindful of shower times and turned off the faucet while brushing my teeth. I grew up with an appreciation for the value of water and magic of how water is integral to all aspects of human life.

For the last 7+ years I’ve lived in Las Vegas, the driest city in America, and while I love the sunny days and warm nights, it has brought my attention to water back to the fore. Las Vegas has one of the most advanced municipal water management systems in the country and all indoor water use is recycled. But now Lake Mead is dropping to historic lows, threatening to decrease the amount of hydroelectric power that can be generated and throwing into question whether the lake can continue to support 5+ states in the Southwest.

It is my view that water is not just a resource, but that it is Source and is the common denominator for all life on Earth. Therefore it is imperative to be conscious of how we utilize water and invest into the future of responsible water use, as well as technologies that support it.


Dr Peter Williams


Ting Kelly